My four month painting adventure is now complete. I am already getting nostalgic looking back on the last four months of painting. The primary reason for my painting break was to try to get to a better level by painting more frequently than I can usually do; and to find out if I am meant to be a painter. Just because I have the passion for it doesn't mean that I have the gift. Painting is probably more about the hard work and practice than talent itself, and I hadn't yet done either. I can't profess to having worked hard at it this summer, but I think I have learned the discipline of beginning a habit of practice, at least as much as I can do with the career I have chosen. The passion has certainly been inflamed in the process. And yes, I paint with a limited palette and have for a while now. I prefer it because I makes me look more closely before I mix colors.

Your stuff is absolutely incredible. Everytime I see your paintings which reflect your understanding of color, something I have a lot of trouble with, I'm left in awe. Absolutely amazing paintings. Really glad you decided to start a blog! Welcome! Would you mind if I added you to my links?
Fantastic work Sharon! I'd love to hear more about Scott's workshop, I've been dying to attend one but can never seem to get my timing right. Was all this done with his 'limited palette'?
Wow Sharon..
Seems like you have been productive with your well deserved vacation! Bravo! Beautiful paintings. I can see a huge jump within this batch of paintings. I could see you were having awesome time painting these. Simply amazing...
I can't wait for you to be back here at work and possibly share some of these in person with me!
Beautiful... just beautiful... I also love 'Near Iceberg Lake'... really cool
Looking at your paintings as a group again I think it's safe to say that the work over the last four months is starting to pay off...
It's a really wonderful group of paintings, and done under only a small amount of pressure in the workshop ;-)
I look forward to seeing many more studies in the future.
These are gems!
I stumbled upon your blog and am delighted to see such beautiful work! These color studies show a lot of confidence in brushwork and color selection. I'll stop by more often! Thanks for sharing.
these are truly wonderful. the close up of the aspens makes me long for colorado. these are really, really beautiful.
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