Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Chinook, Squall & Panettone

Friday, December 26, 2008
Boxing Day Calm

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Day Snow

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Late Autumn Napa Bliss

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Autumn Colors

My four month painting adventure is now complete. I am already getting nostalgic looking back on the last four months of painting. The primary reason for my painting break was to try to get to a better level by painting more frequently than I can usually do; and to find out if I am meant to be a painter. Just because I have the passion for it doesn't mean that I have the gift. Painting is probably more about the hard work and practice than talent itself, and I hadn't yet done either. I can't profess to having worked hard at it this summer, but I think I have learned the discipline of beginning a habit of practice, at least as much as I can do with the career I have chosen. The passion has certainly been inflamed in the process. And yes, I paint with a limited palette and have for a while now. I prefer it because I makes me look more closely before I mix colors.

Friday, September 5, 2008
Near Iceberg Lake

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Old White Pine

Minaret Morning
Looking Toward Lake Ediza Outlet
Favorite Ediza Study

Monday, September 1, 2008
Out Spring Hill Road
Saturday, August 30, 2008
High Sierra High

Friday, August 15, 2008
Huckleberry Heaven
Yesterday was a wipe-down painting day, 'nuf said. Today's priority was huckleberrying. We rode dirt bikes up into national forest land, which was great because we could stop when we smelled ripe berries. Tonight I will make wild huckleberry cobbler which are tied with white truffles for my favorite food flavor. For the next few days I may choose to hunt berries instead of painting. For a change my fingers are stained with berry juice instead of paint. :) We spotted a badger when we stopped to pick berries, I think he may have been eating them. He had that miffed expression on his face that badgers always seem to have.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Sacajawea Peak

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Dawn On Hurricane Creek

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Canyon Sentinel

Saturday, August 9, 2008
Cat's Back Prospect

Thursday, August 7, 2008
Thunderstorms And A Great Horned Owl
Last night and tonight, there was a magnificent yet somewhat scruffy great horned owl sitting on the roof -- hoo-hoo, hoo, hoo. I spent the afternoon watching the lightning show. It was quite dramatic today, I counted three strikes that started forest fires on the mountains. Fortunately the rain was heavy enough to soon douse the fires before they gained much momentum, but for a few minutes the flames were quite tall and bright, and one of them smoldered and smoked for a couple of hours. More thunderstorms are in the forecast for the next couple of days so I'm not sure if I'll get to paint. I really don't want to be out standing on a ridge with a metal umbrella in this weather, the brand new flooring store a half mile away was struck by lightning today. Might be a good time to make more Marionberry cobbler.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Big Sheep And Seven Devils

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Angus Ranch

Sunday, August 3, 2008
More Fun With Bales

Saturday, August 2, 2008
Early Morning On The Lake

The afternoon became a little stormy with great clouds. I was feeling too lazy to head out to paint, so I did a cloud study from my deck. If I keep doing cloud studies, maybe one day I will figure out how to paint them well.

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Morning Reflections

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Lake Head
Monday, July 28, 2008
We have two female yellow Labrador Retrievers, a 10 year old smart one (Tyler) and a 8 month old puppy who is not so smart, but is super cute (Bella). I made the mistake of leaving Bella unattended for a little over an hour yesterday evening. I returned home to a disaster. The family room was ultramarine blue, the dining room was phthalo blue, the living room was a mixture of kings blue, a touch of sap green, and a bit of dark earth brown. There were a couple of completely missing tubes. The puppy was covered in blue paint and still had a tube in her mouth. She had gotten into my painting backpack and was having a grand time turning the house into an abstract painting. Fortunately the vet was home and would take her (gotta love country vets). On the way to the vet she vomited an impressive amount of blue and metal bits. The vet made her throw up some more and then we had to force feed her a bottle of activated charcoal to help flush out the rest through the other end. Most of that came up on the way home, hopefully enough stayed in her system to do its job. It binds other organic matter to it to help it pass through to keep stuff from ending up in her liver. Poor puppy she was feeling pretty miserable by this point. The carpet was going to get ripped up soon anyway, so that isn't a big deal thankfully. In fact the tile that goes in the house is sitting and waiting to be installed. So no painting to post today because my dog ate my paint, sounds like a lame excuse for missing a school assignment doesn't it? Ugly Dog Brush Soap works great on puppy fur, in case you ever need to know this information! She slept through the night, ate her breakfast, and seems like a normal blue puppy this morning. She is acquiring a collection of nicknames, the last one was Cinderbella after a firepit incident.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Above The Lake

Saturday, July 26, 2008
Not Quite To Imnaha

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Between Storms

Monday, July 21, 2008
Random Stuff
I haven't had much luck lately getting out to paint. Yesterday morning was overcast so I decided to paint in the afternoon, but instead spent it in the ER where my husband was getting stitches for a bicycle sprocket gashing and subsequent fall, not a good day for him. This morning it was both very smokey and very overcast and it doesn't seem to be clearing. I ventured out to scout on the prairie a little bit anyway and have a vague idea where I might try next, near the Imnaha River Canyon which runs near the Snake River Hells Canyon. It is a bit of a drive, an hour of washboard gravel roads, which is why I haven't painted out that way yet. This morning I came unnervingly close to hitting a coyote with my car, it somehow miraculously was unscathed. I stopped in a few places to take some photos and in one spot a large prairie dog ran up to within a couple feet of me to check me out. He seemed totally unafraid of me, like a squirrel in a park, but out here he couldn't be looking for a treat. It is possible he had never seen a human before up close. There is a rare home out on the prairie (ok in 40 miles this morning I saw one), but a person needs to be willing to live completely off the grid. Apparently in eastern Oregon the population was larger 100 years ago than it is today. There are a large number of abandoned old homesteads sprinkled around; it must have been a pretty hard-scrabble existence especially in the long winters. It might be why the Roosevelt Elk are so revered in this area; the bull elk hunting season seems to be the highlight of the year; a large bull would feed a family all winter. This was Nez Perce country, but the Shawnee name for elk, wapati, seems to be in heavy use locally. Hunters come from all over the US (and even the world) for elk season; it is definitely something to think about when hiking around here in the fall, you are probably the only person in the woods without a rifle or bow. The weather forecast for the next few days is not good, I might try something moody or I may get skunked.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Porker Ground Squirrels

Friday, July 18, 2008
Elk Mountain Aspen

Thursday, July 17, 2008
In A Rut

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Brush Gluttony
I have observed that how many brushes I dirty is an indicator of how my painting turns out. The more brushes to wash, the worse the painting; like somehow grabbing a clean brush is going to fix something that has gone awry. Today I used a lot of brushes. Again, I tried to paint a hero tree. I need to give up on them at least for a while, today's effort was even worse than my last attempt. The good thing though is that I spotted a view on the way back that I'm excited to paint tomorrow morning and it does not have any hero trees. :) And the cherry cobbler turned out perfectly, a nice consolation breakfast after a bad painting morning.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Prairie Creek Oxbows

Not sure yet if I will try to paint this afternoon. My agenda for the day is to make sour cherry cobbler. Sour cherries are a NW specialty and are tied with huckleberries for my all time favorite fruit. My mom's sour cherry pies were my childhood favorite. I bought some fresh cherries at the farmer's market yesterday, I wish I had brought my pitter with me on vacation. Who would think to pack that?
Friday, July 11, 2008
Boulders For Bill

The afternoon was very nice and I went out to paint again, however I did not choose well and it ended up being a disaster, trying to take in too much as usual. There are bright pink tiny-flowered fragrant wild roses frequently in the road ditches. When I first set up I thought, "cool, I have wild roses to smell while I paint". Of course then the wind veered and the lovely perfume was replaced by the smell of something decidedly dead. The aroma shift seemed to echo my painting experience. :) And then there were also the ants crawling up my legs and the Scotch thistle poking me that I can't really use as excuses for painting badly. At any rate, here it is:

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Morning Brain Fog
Some days it is really difficult to get up before 5am. This morning was one of them. Even with my dogs poking me to get up (my furry alarm clocks), I still struggled. I was in a fog trying to get out the door and kept thinking I was forgetting stuff, go back inside and look around, only to realize that what I was looking for was already in my pocket/car/painting kit. I must have done this at least six times. I never did find my watch however, I think I must have lost it yesterday somewhere. By the time I stopped to paint, about an hour later than usual, the light was past where I wanted it to be, so figuring I had nothing to lose, I intentionally tried to paint something that I knew I would struggle with and probably fail at, but how am I ever going to figure it out unless I keep trying it? It is of a lone multi-branched ponderosa pine with a broken trunk. I think that single trees are extremely difficult to paint because there is nothing to distract you from bad drawing/painting/color/shape/brushwork/etc. The subject doesn't matter anymore because it is all about HOW it is painted. Not sure yet if I'm going to post it, I need to leave it for a bit and look at it with fresh eyes. Last I looked, it was not easy on the eyes. It doesn't look like I'll get an afternoon session in, it is blowing a gale.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Junipers and Herefords

I ventured out later to try my hand at some of the delicious afternoon haze that we sometimes get. It was trickier than I expected. My colors looked very different when I got back than I thought I was painting on site (too green overall) so I had to fix them. I had been looking into the sunlight which might have thrown off my color read.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Shade Seeking, Shocking Setup

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Cloud Patterns

Saturday, July 5, 2008
Ponderosa and the Last of the Snow

Friday, July 4, 2008
Wildflowers & Pines

Thursday, July 3, 2008
First Cutting Compositional Fun
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